
Other caves at Naracoorte:

    Apart from Victoria Fossil Cave, there are 25 other caves in the Naracoorte Caves complex.  Two of these, Blanche and Alexandra, are today tourist caves.

    Most contain some fossil and sub-fossil remains.  Ongoing exploration continues to reveal extensions and connections between caves.  Indeed, the geology would predict ultimately a connection between most elements in the system with a very high probability of encountering further fossil chambers.

Blanche Cave
The view from inside Blanche Cave.

Details of present and/or proposed use of property:

    Victoria Fossil Cave is open for guided inspection 7 days per week, the Fossil Bed in the Fossil Chamber being an integral part of the visitor experience.  A survey conducted by the South Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service (1986) found that some 45% of visitors to Naracoorte Caves (over 1,000 on some days in the year) visited Victoria Fossil Cave.  In the Fossil Chamber, a display of representative fossils is maintained on site with large bones being reliefed and left in situ in the viewable part of the Fossil Bed.  In the Visitors Centre, 1.5 km from Victoria Fossil Cave entrance, the Interpretation Centre also displays fossils (and casts of fossils) from the site, as well as: maps of the Naracoorte caves; charts, dioramas and explanations of cave formation, the geology of the area and deposition of sediments and bones in Victoria Fossil Cave.  The original visitors centre was replaced by a new, multi-million dollar development (Wonambi Fossil Centre) incorporating a reconstruction of the extinct animals and their environment.  Blanche and Alexandra Caves are also open for guided inspection daily, and during the summer months particularly, visitors can watch the nightly exit of thousands of Southern bent-wing bats (Miniopterus schreibersii bassanii) from Bat Cave as well as observe bats in their maternity cave using remote infrared cameras housed in a Bat Interpretation Centre.  The park also offers a range of caves suitable for recreational use by schools, youth groups, inexperienced and experienced cavers, and speleologists.

Acknowledgement: This subsection of Thylacoleo Revealed is based upon the following: HAND, S. 1988. Draft Nomination of the Pleistocene Fossil Vertebrate Deposits of Victoria Fossil Cave Naracoorte, South Australia for inclusion on the World Heritage List. Unpub. report to SA National Parks and Wildlife Service.
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