(page 7)

    "ENCOUNTER WITH A TASMANIAN TIGER - Of the Tasmanian feræ, perhaps the most savage is the native tiger (Thylacinus cynocephalus).  This animal, a faithful representation of which is given by our artist, is now very seldom met with in the settled districts of the island, the ravages which it commits amongst the flocks whenever it falls in such company having made it an object of the special animosity of the colonists.  It bears no resemblance, in form to the great feline whose name it borrows; but its skin is marked with transverse stripes, and to this peculiarity it, of, course, owes its appellation.  The gentleman whose adventure is pictured in our engraving was looking for horses on the Blackboy Plains, near Fingal, when, on passing a flock of sheep, at about 300 yards distance, he observed an animal which he took to be a dog of kangaroo breed trotting through the flock.  He passed on, the thought striking his mind that the supposed dog had a rather singular appearance, when, turning suddenly round, the identity of the animal with the native tiger was betrayed to him by the marks on its skin.  A hunt of a most exciting kind was immediately improvised, the tiger leading its pursuer through lagoons and timber, and maintaining tremendous speed.  After a chase of an hour and a quarter the tiger began to show signs of weariness, and his enemy being enabled to come within flagellating distance, soon brought it to bay by means of a liberal application of the stock-whip.  Although by nature a coward, this savage fights with an uncommon ferocity when driven to close quarters.  In this instance the tiger carried on the combat with amazing fierceness; but human strength and human contrivance were against the brute, which, after a quarter of an hour's desperate resistance, fell dead under the blows of its antagonist, administered as depicted in our engraving".
Encounter with a Tasmanian Tiger - Illustrated Sydney News, 16th April 1867
"Encounter with a Tasmanian Tiger"Illustrated Sydney News, 16th April 1867 (p. 5).

    "ENCOUNTER WITH A NATIVE TIGER - Messrs H. and A. Ferguson were coming home from a day's shooting when, in the vicinity of Muddy Creek, the latter had a rather thrilling experience.  It was about 10:30 p.m.  Mr. H. Ferguson was behind, while his nephew (Mr. Angus Ferguson) was a few chains ahead waiting for his uncle.  A dark object made itself visible and Mr. A. Ferguson, thinking that it was a kangaroo feeding, fired at it.  The animal gave a yell and made off in the direction of the heath.  The young man quickly followed, but as it was only moon light he could not find the animal.  He was searching for it, using the barrel of his gun, when all of a sudden the beast grabbed the barrel and held it fast.  (The marks are now plainly visible.)  Mr. Ferguson struck a match, and saw to his surprise that it was a full-grown native tiger.  Pulling away the gun from the firm grip he retreated a few feet and shot the tiger dead.  Mr. Ferguson reported the matter to Sub-inspector Colhoun".
The North Western Advocate and the Emu Bay Times, 22nd March 1906 (p. 2).

    An early 20th century encounter with a thylacine is recalled in the Mercury newspaper of the 29th July 1905 (p. 5):

    "A native tiger over 5ft. in length and large in frame was shot by Mr. R. Hughes at Upper Huon on July 25.  Mr. Hughes had quite an exciting encounter with the beast previous to its death.  He was out shooting, and had wandered some distance from his friends.  Suddenly his attention was
arrested by a low, warning growl.  On parting the bushes whence the sound issued, he was astounded to behold the tiger in the act of springing on him.  With celerity he raised his gun and despatched the animal, the skin, which is beautifully marked, has been brought to town, and is on view at Mr. John Austin's, Elizabeth Street".

    A correspondent writing for the Wellington Times and Agricultural and Mining Gazette of the 10th May 1892 (p. 3) notes the following unfortunate encounter with a thylacine:

    "Two young men were out hunting at the close of last week when they got a native tiger in a snare and as it was not hurt or injured in any way they thought they would take it in to Waratah.  So they muzzled it, tied its legs and put it in a bag and carried it a distance of 12 miles, suspended on a rod between them.  They reached home safely and liberated the animal's legs and took off the muzzle and fastened it up, as they would a dog, in a blacksmith's shop.  Unfortunately, the tiger did not take kindly to the restriction on its movements and in trying to get away it got on to a bench and fell over the other side and hung itself, so that when its captors went to see it in the morning they found it stiff and cold.  I did not see the animal but, I am told it was really a fine specimen, its skin was most beautifully marked, and that is all the young men have for their trouble".

Thomas Bather Moore - circa 1885
Thomas Bather Moore, a well known prospector, amateur botanist and geologist who explored many areas of Tasmania, especially the west.  He also collected plant specimens for Ferdinand Jakob H. von Mueller, the first Government Botanist of Victoria.  This photograph is of interest because Moore is shown wearing a cap made from the pelt of a thylacine that was killed by his dogs (view close-up).  The image was taken circa 1885 when Moore was in his early 30s.

    An article in the Cornwall Chronicle, dated the 15th September 1871 (p. 2), states:

    "Mr. George Gibson's shepherd, at Blessington, while riding over the run saw a large tiger get up within a few yards of him, the situation was such that he could not immediately get after the creature, but sent his dog, and, strange to say, the tiger allowed the dog to work him the same as the dog would a sheep.  The shepherd therefore allowed the dog to run the tiger round and round the place until with open mouth and hanging tongue he sought refuge in the branches of a fallen tree, whereupon the shepherd dismounting made a grasp at his tail, but eluding his grasp the tiger made off again, and would no doubt have escaped had he not fallen over a log, thus giving the man, who was in hot pursuit, an opportunity to disable him by striking a heavy blow across the animal's loins.  It was not till thus wounded that he turned upon his pursuer, and it took repeated blows with a heavy green stick before he was stretched dead.  His extreme length, from the point of the nose to the tip of the tail was 6 feet 3 inches, and he was in the act of eating a sheep when he first started up.  This makes the sixth of these destructive brutes caught by the same person during as many months".

    The Mercury of the 16th August 1889 (p. 3) describes a thylacine sighting at Geeveston, near Hobart:

    "A short time back our juveniles were rather scared by a report that a native tiger had been seen.  It came in open daylight to the residence of Mr. Davies, a place some distance from the township, and endeavoured to catch some ducks.  However, when detected it took to its heels and the bush, and has not been heard of since.  It seems strange that this solitary animal should make its appearance here [Geeveston], and it is to be hoped it is not a forerunner of many more to come.  They would soon become a nuisance here as they are in the midland parts".

    An article in the Launceston Examiner of the 7th February 1893 (p. 5) reports:

    "For the last few weeks in the neighbourhood of the Don the hearts of the timid ones have been in a state of trepidation owing to the report that a native tiger has both been tracked and seen in the vicinity of the Don Bluff, and that up to the present it has avoided capture.  Strange to say, however, no damage to livestock has, so far, been reported at the hands of this unwelcome visitor, who will without doubt shortly meet with a warm reception, as where our four-footed friend is secreted the scrub has all been felled, and as soon as the grain is carted in he will be hunted and the results should be animated so far as he is concerned".
the North West Post, 1st March 1906
The North West Post, 1st March 1906 (p. 2).
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